The Schlaues Haus in coorperation with the University of Oldenburg presents ‘Nachgefragt’ where citizens have the chance to directly ask the experts questions in the field of ‘Sociology’.
Here you can fill in the formular and submit your questions. Questions submitted by 30th September could be included in the idea race which will be used in the main event in October. Questions submitted after the 30th September will not be used in the idea race, however, they are included in the various formats of the scientific communication, where they are discussed and, as far as possible, answered.
Please make sure to formulate your questions openly: This means that your question cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”. Open-ended questions usually contain the question words “How”, “Why”, “What” etc. Please also make sure that your question does not contain any assertions or generalizations. We are looking forward to your question!
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